Jackson is officially four months old!!! Craziness! We saw the doctor yesterday for Mr. Jackson's four month check-up. We couldn't believe he weighed in at 14 pounds, 5 ounces!!! He measured 24 inches long! We knew he was getting heavier, but this caught us by surprise. It really shouldn't have--he is a great eater! Jackson got the second round of the vaccines he had gotten at his two month check-up. Thankfully Josh comes along to these visits because he is brave enough to hold Jackson while they give him his shots. Last time he didn't cry at all on the first one and just a little on the second one. This time he did a grunty cry on the first one, but he didn't have his paci. I figured the second one would be fine. The nurse said it usually hurts more because it stings as it goes in. I (stupidly) thought that didn't apply to our baby because he usually doesn't mind the typical things most babies do. Boy, was I wrong! Jackson cried a harder cry than he ever has! It was so sad and as soon as the nurse left, I started crying! Poor Josh had to come hold both of us! We all recovered, luckily, and Jackson doesn't seem to be suffering any long term effects :)
We have loved every minute of the past four months--time is going way too fast! Jackson is working on rolling over and just loves playing on his playmat! Whether he is surrounded by toys or playing with dangly ones over his head, he is so content to lie there and play. He has become quite a drool monster and we often have to change outfits because he soaks himself down to his chest! We noticed him eyeing his feet the other day. I'm sure he will figure out a way to get those in his mouth sooner than later... We are so blessed to have such a happy, healthy baby!