Jackson has a wonderful new toy! Josh and I picked up his new Exersaucer yesterday and put it together last night. I put Jackson in it this morning and he LOVED it! I showed him what some of the toys do (lots make noise or light up, but there are some that boing, rattle, or have mirrors) and he immediately started investigating. He played happily in it while I made and ate my lunch. He was so cute! He sort of wiggles himself around in the seat to reach other toys. As he gets bigger he can move with more purpose and turn all around. His feet just touch the bottom so he can exercise his leg muscles. I knew he would love this because he loves standing on our laps or anything else we put him on! Everything else is going really well :) We are patiently waiting for warmer weather, but we also know it's not nearly as bad as if we still lived in Illinois! We try to get out each day for an outing and we take Pax for a daily walk through the woods. Jackson is definitely starting to become more interested in Paxton. Paxton has been doing his version of cuddling Jackson, I think. Whenever Jackson is on the floor on his playmat, Pax will lie down right beside him and just hang out. It's so cute :)
What is Lily watching?
5 hours ago
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