Jackson and I had a VERY successful flight home from Midway in Chicago to Dulles in Virginia. I was only slightly nervous about this experience, but it went off without a hitch. My mom came into the airport with me to help me maneuver the suitcase and stroller.
Security was great since Midway has a Family line. There was a very nice gentleman behind us who helped scootch all of our stuff along (the stroller, car seat, and two bins of stuff). I had to declare the two bottles I brought and they got tested, but they passed. Let me note at this time that Jackson was awake at this point.
After changing Jackson's diaper I started walking around with him hoping he would fall asleep. No such luck. The attendant at the gate tagged the car seat and stroller. I asked her if there was any chance of me keeping the car seat with me on the plane. She said to ask the flight attendant on the plane. I got myself a sandwich and as I was eating it, realized we had some "pants action" (as my mom likes to call it). We were getting close to boarding time, so I made my second trip to the bathroom changing station. We hadn't been situated at the gate for a full minute when there was more pants action! Yikes! I seriously considered not changing the diaper because I wanted to board in a timely fashion. I made a Good Mom decision and raced back to the changing station for the fastest diaper change yet. Little did I know I had no reason to hurry.
With my still awake baby boy I boarded the plane with the other families and after half the plane had boarded! I started to get nervous about taking the car seat aboard, but went for it. The flight attendant welcoming everyone said he didn't think there was room, but to go ahead and sit with it and he'd come take it if necessary. I got Jackson all settled (in a window seat, no less) and he was SO happy! Maybe he'll be a pilot?
A super nice woman sat next to us and as we waited to start down the runway, Jackson finally dozed off! As soon as we started to lift into the air, however, his eyes opened and he remained awake for the ENTIRE flight!!! Now, he was super happy, just awake! I couldn't believe it! He had some of a bottle and got out of his seat for a bit to be burped, but otherwise, he happily looked around and smiled the hugest smiles at me. There didn't seem to be any trouble with his ears--phew!
Josh met us right outside baggage claim and even after the more than half hour long car ride home, my traveling buddy was STILL awake! Yes, he did sleep quite well that night :)
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