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Monday, January 26, 2009

Photo Shoot

This afternoon, Jackson and I were in Babies R Us and the woman from Kiddie Kandids (the in-house photo studio) approached me. She explained that she was training one of her employees and they needed a model. Did we have time to help her out. At first I said no because I thought it sounded like too much trouble. But, then I thought about it and decided it would be a fun opportunity (plus, my mom and Josh would have killed me for turning down a free photo shoot). They sat Jackson in three poses. He was the perfect little model! The only problem was his hands kept shooting back into his mouth. The girl was quick though and got some good shots as soon as we got his hands out of the way. At the end, I got to pick the shot of each pose I liked best and then they printed us a free one to take home! Definitely a good use of 20 mins :)

P.S. Please notice the shiny slobber on his chins!

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