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I can't believe how long it has been since I last blogged! I know the last few days I have been avoiding it because I don't even know where to begin! Jackson is changing so much every day and he just is a joy to have around :) The biggest change for us right now is that since Easter I have been watching our good friends' son, James. He is three months younger than Jackson. I watch him four days a week. It is working out very well and the boys definitely enjoy "hanging out!" Jackson is now big enough to sit in his stroller without the carseat! He LOVES it! He is fascinated by the wheels, in particular. He spends most of the time on our walks doubled over the side watching the wheels go around and around and around. When he is actually sitting up in his seat, he really enjoys watching Paxton--wherever he is! Jackson had his first grocery store trip sitting up in his stroller and he thought that was great! When we were in another store, I found him with a toy on his lap all of a sudden! He was so thoughtful to help me shop... ;)
A couple of weeks ago we had our first family trip to Evanston since Christmas! Jackson got two trips to the park during this time! He officially loves swinging and he and Daddy tried out all of the other fun things too! Here is a great picture of Jackson showing Josh how the digger works :)
I lobbied for a trip home in order to celebrate my birthday with my family. But, we also were in town for my dad's school's major fundraiser: The Grand Auction. Josh and I were able to have our first real date with an actual babysitter and everything! We had a great time. This is mostly in part due to the fact that our babysitter was a girl I used to babysit for! She was five when I first sat for her and she is 16 now! Time flies!
Jackson has made his way through Gerber's entire line of First Foods and loved them all! Do you think he's his father's child??? He gets so excited when I put him in his booster and get his bib out! His arms and legs just start bouncing all around. We just got back from pool registration for this summer and I can't wait to get this boy in the water! He is really starting to purposefully splash in the tub and I know he'll be in heaven with a whole pool at his disposal! We have had a couple of nights where Jackson slept the entire night through, from 7pm-6am! Woo hoo! I almost don't mind the nights he does get up to eat because he is so snuggly!
That is a very condensed update of our man Action Jackson!
I began writing this blog because I wanted to track Josh's and my adventure into parenthood. We are thoroughly enjoying every day with Jackson Albert. We are SOOO looking forward to welcoming a baby brother for Jackson at the beginning of June! We welcome our friends to read along :) My blog has changed a little as I have found myself enjoying using my blog to share parenting tips and tricks, book recommendations, recipes, and other great ideas! Happy reading and feel free to comment early and often :)
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