(This post is a bit overdue, but I was waiting for the SUPER cute pictures Brandi took!)
Before the Buerstattes pulled out of our driveway Saturday morning almost two weeks ago, we were lucky enough to get 48 hours of quality time together!!! Even though I knew saying good-bye would be hard, I wouldn't have traded all the time we had leading up to it for anything. We obviously saw lots of each other when we lived in Springfield, but a huge perk of moving to Dumfries was all of the last minute stuff we got to do: afternoon walks, playground outings, storytimes, kid swaps, and picking up Chai Lattes from Starbucks :) Thank goodness for e-mail and cell phones! I think we might need to explore Skype...

Brandi and Scott elected to have the Marines take care of the ENTIRE moving process (packing up everything, loading the truck, driving the truck, unloading, and unpacking). Their stuff was packed on the Tuesday and Wednesday of moving week, the truck was loaded Thursday, and they stayed with us Thursday and Friday nights :) Jackson and I picked up KK for storytime on Wednesday so there was one less person in the packers' hair. She and Jackson had a GREAT time again! They were SO cute listening to the stories and singing the songs :) I was quite sad to hear that the library takes a break from storytime between that week and school starting! We were just getting in the groove and Jackson was finally getting comfortable enough to participate a little :( Labor Day and the start of school will be here before we know it...
Brandi dropped the kids off on Thursday morning and we all had a good time together! Poor Josh managed to have quite the attack of allergies-turned into a cold so he was "resting" at home, but also trying to keep his distance so none of the kiddos got sick. As I already posted the work on our deck began that morning, so that was quite the entertainment. We all enjoyed a walk and snack after naptime and the kids were all fed, bathed, and ready for bed by the time Brandi got back :) (I was pretty proud of myself!)

On Friday, Brandi had a few things to take care of and in between her outings, Josh and I got out to run a few errands--it has been a LONG time since he ran errands with me and it was kind of a fun mini-date :) (Ah, the excitement of married life!) Brandi and Scott go checked out of their house on base by lunchtime, and we got to relax for the rest of the day! During naptime, Josh started some Guitar Hero on the Wii, and Liam was his biggest fan :)
After naptime we had a little photo shoot in the front yard. Jackson and KK inspired the chosen props :)We grilled a yummy dinner and really tried to soak up our last hang out session in the evening.
Saturday morning started bright and early as the Buerstattes were loading up the cars, kids, and dogs to being the drive to Mississippi and we were headed to Leesburg to spend the day with the Bascoms (separate post coming!)! It was quite the crazy morning that included a non-starting car battery (Scott's) and a mysteriously bloody finger (KK's)...
Brandi kept asking us if we were SURE we wanted their whole family invading us this way, and I told her of course. Not only were we happy to do it, but they would have done it for us in a flash. We have SO enjoyed the last 13 months, and are anxious to plan some trips to Meridian, MS once the Buerstattes get settled :)