We had our fetal echocardiogram this afternoon and it went REALLY well! We LOVE the doctor and she gave us a great report. All parts of Sam's heart are formed and accounted for. There are a few things that they always check new babies for once they are born so we will have to wait and see on those things, but in terms of Sam and me, we are doing great! We probably won't see this doctor again until Sam is two weeks old. She will check out Sam and if all goes as expected, we'll be on our way! YAY! Our doctor was so awesome that she spent an extra ten minutes checking around to see if she could tell if Sam was a he or a she! She definitely didn't have to do that since she was finished with all of the cardio stuff, but we really appreciated it. Unfortunately, Sam is sitting straight up with his/her back toward my belly button. It made it VERY difficult to see anything! Luckily there are two more weeks for Sam to grow and practice wiggling around so we have a better chance to see everything at THE ultrasound :) We'll have a chat in the meantime about being helpful in this process! LOL
What is Lily watching?
5 hours ago
I was insturmental in making Daner put GO BANANA in the blog. She's weird, but not nearly that weird.
We've already seen the kid is as obstinate as I am, we'll see whose weird genes it gets
yeah! you tell that fetus who's boss!
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