As his Daddy explained just the other day, the biggest Virginia snows happen in March! Sure enough, the night of Sunday, March 1st, the snow started and kept going! By Monday morning, we were covered and when all was said and done, we had about eight inches! We took full advantage of the rare weather and got Jackson fully involved :)
We started off with a family walk in the woods. The trees were beautiful as they were covered in snow and hanging at cool angles. Josh was able to use the hiking backpack for the first time! Jackson loved it! We think he especially liked being up high to see all around him. He happily bobbbed along for most of the walk, but started to fade towards the end. By the time we got home he was totally zonked out!
After dropping off Paxton, we made ourselves a sled out of the Exersaucer box and headed back into the woods. We found some appropriately sized hills for the little man's first sledding experience. He seemed to have a great time! He got a bit fussy at the end (I think he finally realized he was wet and cold), but after a warm bath and dry clothes, he happily took a nice, long nap :)
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