Last Thursday was a BIG day for us! We had an afternoon doctor's appointment and after the nurse weighed Jackson, we were back in the exam room. We always let him play on the table while we wait and I had layed him on his back. I got excited at first because he immediately raised his feet to his mouth and started sucking on them! He definitely had not done that until then! I was just finishing up a video on my phone to show Josh later when Jackson rolled himself right over; back to front! WOO HOO!!! YAY JACKSON! Rolling over had actually been on my list of questions. That took care of that. He did it two more times while we were with the doctor. Josh hasn't gotten to see it yet because Jackson seems to really only be in the mood while he's supposed to be sleeping.
Somehow, while swaddled, he will roll himself over onto his tummy and then get stuck. Then, we hear the saddest little (well, not so little) cry because he can't back to being comfy :( We are slowly but surely getting him used to being on his tummy more. I'm convinced once he gets the hang of it, he'll love sleeping on his stomach. Right now we are swaddling him with one arm out to start the transition to no swaddler. So far, so good!
Other little changes: when I read to Jackson, he grabs for the book, wanting to put it directly in his mouth, he squirms a little more when we hold him to get a look at whatever is going on, and he is loving cereal!
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