While we appreciate that it's good physical activity for Jackson to climb the stairs, we had to put a stop to the constant activity it was becoming...all day...every day... On the plus side, we have beautiful banisters on all THREE levels of our home. On the negative side, they weren't really designed with baby gates in mind. The first gate we tried was: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2265784 We DO NOT recommend it! The second gate I brought home was: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2909941 and we LOVE it! Josh installed it pretty easily on the main level by the going-down-stairs. So, I should have been able to go purchase two more and we could have been done, right? Not so fast... No commercially produced gate fits on the main level by the going-up-stairs. Grrr... Josh ingeniously tried installing a series of bars (the ones you can put on a sliding door to keep it from opening). That worked great for now, but Jackson's friend, Rachel, tested it out and it became apparent that it might not keep exploring little people off of the stairs as time goes on. After a trip to the hardware store, Josh was able to recycle the gate we used to train Pax to stay out of the kitchen. It's not the prettiest gate, but boy does his concoction do the job! I'm over the aesthetic aspect! I think we can now consider ourselves "childproofed." I'm sure something will come up to prove me wrong, but I'll enjoy this moment in time :)
What is Lily watching?
7 hours ago
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