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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bug and Dog the Second

We are in the midst of a longer dog sitting experience for some good friends. Dutchess has been here before, but this time is different because it's for much longer. It's nice because Jackson is really getting used to having her around. They are just the sweetest pair! Don't get me wrong, Jackson still loves Paxton, but Dutchess is smaller and more playful--right up his alley! Since Dutchess and Jackson have struck up such a good friendship, I thought I would blog about our temporary 5th family member :)

Dutchess picked up right away on the excitement of Jackson Meal Time! It's an event not to be missed! Jackson LOVES having an audience! The other morning he was holding out a hand over each side of his seat and one dog was licking each hand. Adorable! He is a pretty good sharer, both in dropping food or letting the dogs lick his piece to get a taste before eating it himself.

Jackson loves playing with Dutchess. Josh said they were playing tug of war the other day with a dog toy, but Dutchess was being extra gentle because she knew who her opponent was. Jackson was showing off his rattles this morning to a very captive audience :) I'm not sure if it is just a coincidence, or the fact that Dutchess is here and it's the only time Pax's dog toys get used, but Jackson has discovered the dog toy basket! Oh my! What a fun thing to empty during the day. Lots of the toys have squeakers too...

Not that Paxton doesn't love Jackson, but Dutchess comes running when she hears Jackson crying. Very sweet! I was giving Jackson a bath last night and Dutchess poked her head into the bathroom and peeked into the tub. I said, "Hi Girl," and I swear Jackson repeated it! How cute would that have been! I think a lot of what he's doing is imitating our tone and sounds, but that counts!

I can't wait to see what other fun adventures these two have in the next few days...

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