That sounds so weird to say! We had our belated one year check up today and it went infinitely better than I thought it would! I was so paranoid that we were going to get "yelled" at for still using a bottle, feeding J-Man tub veggies in order to get some veggie nutrition in him, and for not giving him more finger food. I know, poor Josh... Anyways, my fears were relieved the minute the nurse asked the question, "Does he feed himself any foods?" The way she said "any" made me realize that there are probably lots of one year olds out there that aren't feeding themselves food! Jackson will feed himself pretty much any kind of fruit, toast, graham fish, and puffs. We saw our favorite doctor and she was awesome! She said we can go ahead and start using whole milk instead of formula. If he doesn't like the taste right away, she said it was fine to still mix some of it with formula. She also explained that for all intents and purposes, fruits and veggies have the same nutritional benefits. Phew! She also said if he likes the tub veggies, go for it! We came away from the appointment with the realization that in the doctor's eyes, it is more important that Jackson is picking up and feeding himself any foods. That he most certainly is :) She also answered all of my other questions: *When should we see the dentist? Around three years. *Does he need "real" shoes yet? Not necessarily. Gym shoes or soft-soled shoes are both providing protection, and that is the real concern. *Where did this rash/bumpiness come from? Dry skin. It's that time of year! *What does she recommend for diaper rash? Zinc. The whiter the cream, the better! *How does she feel about the H1N1 vaccine? Recommends it, but they aren't sure when/if they are getting any! Jackson's stats from this visit are: Height: 29.5 inches (about 50th percentile) Weight: 22 pounds, 4 ounces (about 50th percentile) Head circumference: 19 inches (90th percentile) Hmmm... ;)
What is Scott watching?
1 week ago
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