I have had such a good time reminiscing about last year! I can't believe how excited we were to meet Jackson, to hold him, and to see what he looked like. Now we've gotten to hang out with him for a whole year! SO much has changed (obviously) and we are loving it!
Things we already don't have to do anymore:
*tally the number of wet and dirty diapers
*keep track of for how long Jackson ate (although I kept it going for MUCH longer than necessary...)
*jump up to get something done the minute Jackson is finished eating, because he could get hungry again at ANY minute
*obsess about body temperature--he's probably NOT cold all the time anymore
*swaddle and unswaddle a zillion times a night
*change more than ten diapers a day
*keep a bucket of water ready to soak numerous pieces of clothing a day
*use gauze and Vaseline
*pop the paci in every five seconds
*playing the game of "Is it gas or a real smile???"
Things we are doing now:
*moving breakables even higher than Pax's tail level
*opening and closing baby gates multiple times a day
*using a big boy car seat that stays in the car all the time
*still obsessing about the amount of food eaten in a day
*learning to use a sippy cup
*only using pacis at night and in the car
*looking for everyday items that could be used as toys
*laughing with Jackson
*sleeping through the night
What is Lily watching?
1 day ago
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