I have loved every minute of my journey to and through motherhood :) I loved being pregnant, luckily! I also have loved having my pal Jackson around for a whole year. I have learned a whole lot in that time:
*I can successfully entertain a nine-month old on a twelve hour car trip.
*I can travel with an infant/toddler in a relatively organized and low-stress manner.
*I know all the ins and outs of breast feeding and pumping.
*I have tons of tricks up my sleeve for keeping a baby entertained while being changed.
*I have an equal number of tricks to get a little guy to eat a meal.
*I don't get quite as annoyed when unhelpful advice is thrown my way.
*I'm still looking for a response to the people that tell us we should enjoy Jackson because there's no way our second will ever be this good.
*I realize the importance of naps.
*Spray-n-Wash is my best friend.
*I am starting to realize that I need to listen to my friends and husband when they tell me that a certain, frustrating stage will not last forever. I'm still working on this one...
*I try hard to not give the annoying advice I didn't appreciate to my pregnant friends.
*I am in awe of how fabulous each new stage is.
I never imagined I would love talking about babies, baby stuff, and parenthood this much! I LOVE IT :)
What is Scott watching?
1 week ago
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