Not only is it catchy, but it's true! By the end of this week, Sam will weigh about 3.75 pounds. That is about as much as a large jicama weighs. It's good timing for the alliteration since Sam had his first set of hiccups that I could feel the other day! They felt weird, but it didn't occur to me until a little while later that that's what it probably was! Unfortunately, I also experienced my first hot flash (or personal summer, as my friend, Susie, likes to call them)! It was a busy 10 minutes :)
Anyways, Sam is working on gaining a lot more weight from here on out! Only occasionally do I notice that I'm carrying him around. He has been situating himself pretty well and I'm comfortable doing most everything. I'm thinking that all is about to change... Personally, I'm supposed to be on the lookout for more heartburn, shortness of breath, and increased back pain. So far so good...Tums handles the heartburn I do get, I have a VERY understanding and helpful husband who helps out so I don't get out of breath, and I have had the same annoying pain in my back since I got pregnant, but it's manageable. It is amazing that in the course of seven months, I haven't found a good way to get out of bed, etc... Oh well, it's a small price to pay!
I'm also fearing the mood swings are going to start up again. I was just thinking how pleasant that aspect of things had been in the past few weeks and then I was blindsided by a massive breakdown this weekend...Poor, poor Josh...He's coping amazingly well! I definitely would not make a good husband to a pregnant lady--I don't think I would have enough patience! I also am starting to accept that I'm just going to be much hungrier from here on out...Some days there is no satisfying this kid! I wonder how that bodes well for the future...
What the heck is a jicama?? You usually explain these things... maybe I should know and I don't :-) Daner, I'm curious... does your back hurt at all??
I'm sorry. I just realized that I missed your entire 2nd paragraph where you reference back pain.
I put up a picture of a jicama...what more do you want?! Maybe when you visit next time, I will work it into the meal...
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