We guessed this week's produce comparison correctly! What are the odds?! By the end of this week (week 33), Sam will weigh just over four pounds and measure longer than 17 inches! Luckily he isn't trying to stretch to his full length too often... Everything we read keeps pointing out that the bones in his skull aren't fused yet and all of his bones aren't hardened yet. That just freaks me out! I know that's how it's supposed to go, but it's still kinda weird.
We had a doctor's appointment last Friday and got another good report! She said everything is measuring just right and based on the fact that we have been picture perfect so far, she fully expects us to go to term :) WOO HOO! I of course wanted to know if that meant full term like exactly on our due date (I was kidding!) and she said that 37 weeks would be a safe bet for us. Josh did admit later that he was pretty freaked out when she started the conversation by telling us that in two weeks and five days (from last Friday) we could go ahead and have this baby. She said if I went into labor then, they might try a little to stop me, but for the most part they would be OK with me having Sam!
My goal for the rest of this time is to make myself relax and take it easy! I know Sam would be in pretty OK shape if he came now, but I'd like him to keep cooking a little longer so I'll do whatever I can to help that along!
SpongeSam SquarePants!
Is Sam the size of a pineapple with or without the spears on top? Just curious...
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