I thought I would take a minute to document what our schedule has been for the last while. While Jackson has been an exceptional baby, he hasn't always been the most consistent eater or sleeper. Both have been good, just not very predictable. However, for the last few months, he has been working into a great little schedule. I am sensing change in the air, so I'll revel in this for a few more days :)
6:00-6:30am: Wake up and drink part of an 8oz bottle
6:30-7:00am: Breakfast (In the beginning it was a tub of fruit mixed with oatmeal, but now it's a piece of wheat toast and a WHOLE banana!)
7:00-8:00am: Playtime, i.e. push stuff around time!
8:00-9:30am: Nap time and finish the rest of the bottle
9:30-11:30am: Get dressed, take a walk with Paxton, and lunch (In the beginning it was half a tub of fruit/veggie with oatmeal, then we added yogurt, then we changed to a full tub, now it's either a full tub of fruit/veggie and yogurt or some finger foods.)
11:30-1:15ish: Nap time
1:30-3:30pm: Read some stories, playtime, run errands with Mommy, and have a bottle before a nap
3:30-4:45pm: Nap time
5:00: Dinner (This is getting tricky, but a favorite dinner is sweet potatoes, blueberries, and chicken or beans.)
5:30-6:30pm: Hang out with Mommy in the kitchen while she makes dinner (time to play in the spoon drawer and with the blender lid--two favorites), greet Daddy, play in the living room, and sometimes keep Mommy and Daddy company while they eat.
6:30-7:00pm: Bath time, story, bottle, and bed with three pacis (isn't he high maintenance? LOL).
It's a good life!
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