Our timeline in terms of house things is as follows: We close on Tuesday afternoon, move into our new house on Saturday, May 7th (about a week and a half later), and our tenants are slated to move into our townhouse the following day!!! Yippee! We are all set to close, we just need to sign those papers and get our keys!!! The original family who applied to rent our townhouse didn't work out. We had a flurry of showings after the house went back on the market, and we were in a great position of receiving multiple applications! We have found a great family, and we are just waiting for them to sign the lease at the beginning of this week to make things official!

Jackson has been doing awesome with all of the moving preparations! He is starting to show some signs of wear and tear, but we are really proud of him overall. Last week he was a little extra whiny, and I could tell that by the weekend we needed some good family time. We had a nice moment on Saturday morning where he was playing trucks and cars, Josh was reading, and I was sorting through the Sunday ads. He didn't need us to play with him, he just wanted us there. He was so happy! I of course was imagining us doing this in our new house with a fire :) This past week his whininess has continued, and he wasn't a fabulous friend when we had playdates :( We have had a pretty good weekend, and I've tried to give him some extra Mommy-Jackson time. This week will be interesting since he's spending most days at friends' houses while Josh and I paint and tackle other pre-moving-day projects...
Jackson's favorite activity right now is to take his Cozy Coupe outside and push it up and down our street. Yes, that's right: push it. He rides it all around inside, but he only likes to push it outside. It takes a good half hour to cover our street since we stop to visit all of the ants, spiders, and random things on the sidewalk. It's pretty cute, but sometimes I wish it went a little faster...
We have been visiting our house as often as possible! Now that we have carpeting, we can let Jackson run around and not worry about him stepping on something sharp or tripping over machinery. This past weekend we took the Bascoms out to see our new place, and Maddie caught right on to the Run-Around-the-House-as-Fast-as-You-Can Game! Brodie enjoyed chilling in front of the fireplace...until the dust that was burning off caused ALL of our smoke detectors to go off since they are all connected... Yup, that was fun!
Jackson having a turn to hold Baby Brodie!
Playing a fun game with Daddy
Playing another fun game with Maddie
Under the kitchen island makes an excellent hiding spot for short folks :)
Matching rain boots!
This toy was supposed to be our big gift to Jackson at Christmas. He got so many other new toys, however, that we saved it until later. I gave it to him when I kicked packing into high gear. He LOVES it! Yesterday he experimented with what else he can send down the ramps (farm animals, dinosaurs, different trucks, etc), and today he got a few new cars in his Easter basket to go with it.
Doesn't Jackson look about nine years old here???
Easter balloon!
Easter basket: Yogurt melts, two new books (one about Koko--his favorite "Chuggington" chugger and one from the movie "Hop" since he LOVES bunnies, chicks, and eggs right now), a few new cars for his Wheelie's ramp, a couple of bath books, a train and a boat that have a light and make noise, and some little M&Ms.
Starting the egg hunt! His eggs had yogurt melts, pretzel goldfish, and mini M&Ms in them. It took a few tries to convince him that he didn't need to open each egg and eat everything before finding the next one!
Pax got in on the Easter spirit!
Checking out the Easter basket loot
Showing how to make a butterfly with his hands :)
Happy Easter!
Love, Jackson