We are completely baffled by what a Chinese cabbage is, let alone how it is much different than the size of the cauliflower from last week...Apparently, since Sam is approaching the size of a Chinese cabbage, he should weigh about 2 1/4 pounds and measure about 14.8 inches long! It is becoming more and more real to me that there is an actual person growing inside me who is beginning to be able to hear and see! I was outside the other afternoon and a fire truck went screaming by and it occurred to me that Sam was probably hearing that too!
Yesterday I had my glucose test and I'm not going to lie, the "beverage" you have to drink was TERRIBLE! It was especially bad because it had a strong resemblance to orange soda (one of my guilty pleasures) and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to drink orange soda again :( Hopefully I won't hear anything from the doctor, meaning I passed!
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