In the OB practice we have chosen there are five doctors. They "strongly encourage" you to see all five before going into labor since they cannot guarantee who will deliver the baby. We instantly loved the first doctor we saw and ended up seeing her quite a bit while I was working a more constricted schedule since she was the only one who stayed "late." "Late" = past noon... Anyways, yesterday we saw our third doctor and we LOVED him! I would be thrilled if he showed up to deliver Sam! We just got a really good vibe and I felt like he would have stayed there all day and answered any more questions I could have come up with. We are starting to find out that all of the doctors have their own ways of doing things. Some use different strategies when delivering, others have certain rules for their patients, and they even perform circumcisions with different techniques. It's making me even happier that we don't have a strict birth plan we want followed. While we have obvious goals in mind, I don't feel like we have any unrealistic expectations. We have two more doctors to see and we have heard good things about each of them. The one we saw so far that we didn't click with wasn't terrible (I would trust her to deliver my baby) but I don't feel like I would be comfortable asking her questions during a routine visit or take her answers as much to heart. We saw her once, that's all that's required, moving on...
We are also able to cross "find a pediatrician" off of our list! WOO HOO! I definitely felt like I was researching that so early and even going in for a prenatal visit because the books said so. I got a recommendation from a friend, went yesterday and was quite pleased with the results. I really liked the doctor I met with, liked everything I heard about the practice, so I see no reason to traipse around interviewing more doctors. The thing I liked best here was that there was only one location (growing up, so many times the offices furthest from our house were the only ones open. Sure there was ONE convenient location, but a long car ride is never what you want when you are the sick kid of have a sick kid.) and that they have fabulous hours (6am-8pm)! Sign me up!
The list is actually getting shorter of things we want/need to accomplish :)
What is Lily watching?
1 day ago
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