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Monday, April 7, 2008

An Apple a Day...

This week we can look forward to Sam growing to be as big as a large apple=4 inches long and 2.5 ounces! Sam will be very busy moving amniotic fluid through his/her nose and upper respiratory tract, helping the primitive air sacs in his/her lungs begin to develop (doesn't that sound pleasant?). This next part was my favorite part of this week's update: Sam's eyelids are still fused shut, but Sam can sense light and if we shine a flashlight at my tummy, Sam will move away from the beam! It's like embryonic hide and seek!!! Some people read or play music to the belly...we shine the flashlight :) HA HA HA! In terms of how my body is changing, this was my favorite part of the update: Because of both the increased hormonal changes and increased blood flow to my mucus membranes, my nose might feel stuffier than usual. There is apparently a name for this: rhinitis of pregnancy. That's almost as good as shining a flashlight at my belly...


Josh said...

I totally can't wait to shine a flash light at your belly.

I want to meet the people who figure this out. I should have been a doctor.

mom said...

You look great! I guess "nature's floss" won't ever be a reference point, right? Don't forget to get plenty of batteries for the flashlight play! xo

Unknown said...

OH MY .... I already see you Smiths torturing this poor kid in the womb with a flashlight!!!