Whenever I feel like I'm doing pretty well staying organized and getting all the things accomplished that I want, I get a little reminder that I'm pregnant and therefore, cannot be as efficient as I'd like :( Today for instance, I got an e-mail from my lovely husband wondering why our cable/internet/phone bill was a bit high. It's pretty much the same amount each month, so I checked it out. Well, the actual bill was for $58.76, but I paid $85.76! Luckily, the money will just be credited to our next bill, but that would have sucked if they were just like, "It's your fault you paid too much. We're keeping the extra!"
The cornerstone of this pregnancy brain thing has been Josh's desire for beverages. The poor guy just wants a drink when he gets home, is eating a meal, or is just plain thristy. It's really not too much to ask for and he always asks politely. However, my pregnant brain tends to filter out his requests as soon as it receives them and he usually has to ask a few times these days before his beverage arrives. I feel so bad for him already because of my crazy mood swings, but this just makes it worse! I'm not forgetting on purpose! Honest!
What is Lily watching?
1 day ago
We should be clear that the current beverage request is tea....though if this pregnancy brain thing gets worse, we might switch to rum and coke...or just rum...
Tell Mr. Smith to get his own damn drink! That's what I tell Mr. Ciccone! Then he doesn't complain when I forget :-)
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