The bulletin for this week is that yoga is wonderful! I did it with my mom while I was home for Spring Break and it felt fabulous! It made me feel kind of special too because the teacher made sure to come over to me and tell me how to modify positions to make it more beneficial/comfortable. I've started doing it with a good friend since getting home and I look forward to it each day. It just feels good to take time to stretch and relax. Everyone keeps telling me to slow down and make sure to take time for myself, yada, yada...It really is true! I was just telling Josh tonight how much more enjoyable my days are now that I'm "letting" him help with the household responsibilities...Me--anal and controlling? No... LOL ;)
If by letting you mean me making you let me, then yes, I agree.
I'm so happy that you're taking advantage of yoga -- it really makes a difference in relaxing you. I'm sure Paxton notices the difference! xo yoga momma
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