I have been reading A LOT about all this baby stuff and I have yet to come across anything that states you can determine the baby's gender by it's heartrate. This little anecdote comes from our doctor's appointment this morning. She listened to Sam's heartbeat (147 beats per minute--very good, apparently!) and said, "And no, I can't tell you the sex of your baby." We were like, "What?!" Apparently she had a patient a couple weeks ago that had read that you can determine the sex by the heartrate. Our doctor explained that that wasn't true and she wouldn't rush out and buy blue things just yet. The woman would not be deterred and did it her way. Our doctor just kept telling her that that wasn't for sure and she couldn't tell her for sure! Weird!
Other than that funny tidbit our appointment went very well. I still haven't gained much weight--YAY! My blood pressure is good, Sam's heartrate is good, so all seems well. We not only made our next check-up appointment, but we also got to schedule THE ULTRASOUND! On Friday, May 30th we will have the ultrasound that will hopefully tell us if Sam is a he or a she! Now, that doesn't mean that we will know that day. We both wish we were patient enough to be surprised at the birth, but anyone who knows me knows that that would be a joke! There's just too much to plan! We do want to keep some element of surprise so we are going to have the tech write the sex on a piece of paper which we will save for a later date. We were hoping the timing would work out to open it with our families around, but I don't think that will work. It will still be really exciting to open it with friends and then spread the word. We just feel that is more special that a tech blurting it out when my belly is covered in jelly! We do realize, however, is Sam is indeed a he, we might be able to tell ourselves from looking at the picture. We shall see...Stay tuned :)
What is Lily watching?
7 hours ago
What better way to celebrate Flag Day, Samoan Independencce Day (June 2), or Brazils – Dia dos Namorados (like Valentines Day, on the 12th). Clearly you will see that our opportunities to celebrate are virtually endless.
I should get back to work now....
AND you can also celebrate the closing of the Ciccone house on that day! May 30 is just so exciting on so many different levels! :-) Can't wait to hear the news!
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