***Disclaimer: This blog might include too much info for some people, but from the beginning I said that we were writing this mainly for us and I want to remember the doctor's comments, so here goes!***
We had an appointment last Friday and we met the fifth doctor in the practice and LOVED her! She was awesome! She would be in our top three if we got to pick (the two guys are also in the top three). She did one of the last tests I needed to have and checked me for the first time. She had a good report: my cervix is still closed, I'm 60% effaced, and Sam is head down! WOO HOO! Josh was going to start having discussions with him about what position would be best for us all, but I guess he doesn't need to. Now we just need to hope that he STAYS head down!
That night, since we knew what position he was in, we felt like we were able to more accurately guess what body parts we were feeling when he moved around. He would not "sit" still for a couple of hours! Josh was able to feel lots of movement and he was kicking and punching all over! At one point, it felt like he really was trying to do a jumping jack!
What is Lily watching?
6 hours ago
1 comment:
I like to think of it as my son and I have already bonded so much he knew what I expected of him, and in an effort to make his father proud he did what he is supposed to do.
This parenting thing is easy! (disclaimer, I know it won't be, allow me to enjoy these last few days. Please.)
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