Can I stress how I have NO idea how I got THIS pregnant??? I totally freaked out when we read about week 39 in our book and on Baby Center! On the one hand I feel like there is no was that much time has passed, but on the other hand the night we took the pregnancy test seems like FOREVER ago! CRAZY! Anyways, by the end of week 39, Sam will be about the weight of a personal, or mini, watermelon. **GULP** Thank goodness we're almost to the end of the comparisons since there is nowhere good to go from here... According the "average" expectations, Sam will measure about 20 inches and weigh just over seven pounds by the end of this week. That's not TOO bad--I think I can handle that :)
Needless to say, we are getting very excited! I'm starting to think one of the hardest part of this giving birth thing is going to be not eating once I go into labor. Even though it's for a good reason (in case you need an emergency c-section), it's kinda unfair to put that limitation on a pregnant lady...;)
OMG, while I was in labor all I could think about was how starving i was and that I was also dying of thirst! Forget the baby, give me a Diet Coke Fountain pop and some french fries! :)
YES! I already told Josh that as soon as Sam is out, I will require a huge Diet Coke! HA HA!
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