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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Jackson's Second Birthday Day: Pre-Party

Jackson was REALLY excited with the special birthday banner I made him :) He really liked it when we held him and pointed to each letter spelling his name. He would smile really big and say, "Again!" He and I were up first and went for a run and then went out to pick up his balloons for the party! I also ran into BuyBuyBaby to buy the last part of his birthday present--I'm taking full advantage of being able to present shop for him when he's WITH me! LOL

Once Josh woke up, we had Jackson open some presents early. Some family members and out-of-town friends had sent some things. We also let Jackson open our presents. He had a pretty good time and got into ripping off paper and getting into bags.

At lunch, I gave Jackson one of his cupcakes, just in case he wasn't interested at his party. (We didn't have anything to worry about, but this way he got two cupcakes!) Jackson really seemed to like the cupcake, and made a decent sized mess--way better than last year!

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