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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Once We Were Back...

We jumped right back into life once Jackson and I got back into town.  We started off with a doctor's appointment (great report!), and then there was some grocery shopping and cleaning to do.     We were only home for about four days when Josh took off for Covington to spent a couple days helping his uncles clear out Dottie's house.  They moved quickly, and the house went on the market last week!  Jackson and I had a great day that Friday playing with his friend, Jackson, who was staying with the Walburgers overnight!  We met him and Aimee at a playground in the morning (Hallie, Izzy, and Mary joined us too--what a coincidence!), and then they came down the street to enjoy the cul-de-sac in the afternoon!  I think both Jacksons had a great time :)  Saturday was spent  running around on a marathon of errands, but the day ended with a viewing of "The Incredibles," Jackson's current favorite movie :)  Josh got back late Saturday night, and after relaxing a bit on Sunday we headed over to the Yanceys' to enjoy a yummy grilled dinner and some hanging out time.

This past week was pretty much back to normal--grocery shopping, story time, playing with friends, and working around the house.   
These are definitely not the world's best pictures, but I wanted to document my effort to start capturing more moments on camera!  Last week, Rachel came over to play while Susie went to run some errands.  It was a beautiful day, so we took Rachel with us to check out a new library and playground!  Storytime was really fun since it was all bunny stories :)  The new playground was really great, except it was super crowded since it was the beginning of Spring Break and such a beautiful day :/  Jackson and Rachel had a GREAT time checking everything out!
Jackson is not only in the "Why?" phase, but also the "Mommy, watch!"  "Daddy, watch!" phase.  I wasn't quite prepared for both to hit at once...  ;)  He also is all about jumping over anything!  There is a streak of sunlight that shines in the foyer each morning, and that is usually his first jump of the day.  It just continues from there! 

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