It has been a VERY busy week! Sam helped my class create Arches National Park in our classroom and then joined us as we toured the thirteen other parks created in classrooms at school. It was a very tiring, but wonderful day!
Wednesday I had my first appointment with my cardiologist, Dr. Schwartz. He is possibly the oldest man alive, but I think that means he is a good cardiologist...He basically wanted to know why I was there after reviewing my records. I took that to be a good thing, although slightly unsettling that HE didn't know why I was there...After listening to my heart and checking out my EKG, he said everything looked and sounded the same. That's good! We are going to do a fetal echocardiogram once I'm about 26 weeks just to double check everything. To back up for those of you that don't know, I have had pulmonary stenosis since I was born. Basically it means that one of my heart valves doesn't open and close quite the way it is supposed to. I've been very lucky and it has never limited me or caused me to be hospitalized. I just need to take antibiotics before any kind of surgery, major or minor. There is no reason to think that anything will be wrong with Sam's heart, my OB just wants to make sure my heart comes out of this pregnancy thing as good as it went in. And, if it doesn't, to have someone around who knows what to do!
Today Sam went on yet another field trip! We had a chance to sneak preview a brand new IMAX movie about the Grand 3D! It was awesome! We also played on the Mall and went to the Portrait Gallery. It was a wonderful end to a fun week, but exhausting!
The best part of the week was telling my class today that I am pregnant!!! They were so cute and SO excited! While they are really looking forward to having a second Fourth Grade baby, they were a bit nervous at first that I would have to leave before the end of the year to have the baby. Once I assured them I was sticking around until June, they were on board! It will be really fun to share this with them (I think!). A couple girls did ask whether they could pat my tummy and I said no for now. It's not big enough for me to feel like there's anything to pat!!! Before we went back to school we all took a celebratory ride on the carousel on the Mall (did anyone else know about this?)! It was SOOO much fun! I haven't been on a carousel in forever and Sam seemed to thoroughly enjoy it!
Ahhh...on to Spring Break :)
What is Lily watching?
5 hours ago
Yay! Happy Spring Break! I actually did know about that carousel on the Mall - it only takes one premature stop on the Metro and a jog down the ENTIRE length of the Mall to get to your graduate school graduation to really see what the Mall has to offer! I don't recommend that jog, though - especially not in a dress, graduation gown, and three inch heels. =)
Hi to Mommie, Daddy, and little Sam. With Jeannie's help I can finally sign on. We hope.
Hope the Easter Bunny is kind to everyone. Paxton too.
Before too much longer you'll be shopping for Sam in the malls. :-)
Jeannie & Wayne are here and treating me to dinner shortly.
Hope your weekend is a safe and happy one.
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