Yesterday was a totally out-of-the-blue emotional day as I was traveling from D.C. to Chicago. I have been reading this series of books and the family has a pretty old chocolate lab dog. I just knew that at some point in the series, they would incorporate the dog passing away. Well, that time is coming in the book I’m reading now. After figuring that out, I got all teary any time they mentioned the dog, even if it had nothing to do with him being sick and old! I stopped reading halfway through because I was worried they would have the dog die and I would be stuck on the plane hysterically crying! I just can’t bear to think about ever saying good-bye to Paxton! Thankfully, Josh informed me this morning, that will never happen. Phew! I also found myself getting slightly teary whenever I saw a family traveling together. Weird, huh? Yeah, that’s how this seems to work. I don’t know if I am so excited about us being that cute family one day traveling to see family or go on vacation, or if it just made me miss Josh even though I had seen him an hour before. Who knows? There don’t seem to be rules when it comes to the emotional side of this. Luckily, pregnancy kind of is a cover-all excuse at the moment for things I can’t otherwise explain :) I wonder how long that will last...
What is Lily watching?
5 hours ago
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