Sam will spend his/her last week of the first trimester about the size of a lime! Sam now weighs about half an ounce and is two inches long from crown to rump. Apparently if I push on my stomach, Sam will squirm in response. We just won't be able to feel it.
In terms of me, I am feeling more pregnant than last week. No sooner had I announced that I wasn't sure the doctor knew what she was seeing because I had felt GREAT all week, than I started feeling not so great. Still nothing horrible. But, my back hurts A LOT and the down side of living in a milder climate is that allergies arrive sooner :( I also miss my energy. Josh informed me (very gently) that in about six months I still won't have any energy. LOL! It will all be worth it!
I got my first box of hand-me-down maternity clothes which was kind of exciting. It's really hard to predict how big I will be getting and in what areas. I did buy my own beginning preggers shirt this weekend! It looks cute now and there is some room around the tummy to last for probably the beginning of the summer. Yay!
In terms of me, I am feeling more pregnant than last week. No sooner had I announced that I wasn't sure the doctor knew what she was seeing because I had felt GREAT all week, than I started feeling not so great. Still nothing horrible. But, my back hurts A LOT and the down side of living in a milder climate is that allergies arrive sooner :( I also miss my energy. Josh informed me (very gently) that in about six months I still won't have any energy. LOL! It will all be worth it!
I got my first box of hand-me-down maternity clothes which was kind of exciting. It's really hard to predict how big I will be getting and in what areas. I did buy my own beginning preggers shirt this weekend! It looks cute now and there is some room around the tummy to last for probably the beginning of the summer. Yay!
Sorry today wasn't the best of days. I bet tomorrow and the rest of week will be better. Pax's day got off to a treaty start. :-)
Did I ever tell you I called my Mom, "Sam" for a short time? Remind me to tell you about it.
Oooh, the joys of maternity clothes! I resisted wearing them til absoutely necessary with Ben! With Katie though, as soon as I felt slightly uncomfortable, on went the maternity jeans! I was so much happier! lol As for allergies go, mine were sooo bad while pregnant. Sorry. :( I took claritin and that helped!
beginner preggers shirt? Is that like a training bra for your stomach? How come beer-bellied men don't get this option? I'm offended. I think that's sexist.
I don't believe it is wise to compare your wife's pregnant belly to a beer-bellied man...Just a thought ;)
Oh my God! I read the title of your blog and thought you took to drinking..
You will have energy again. It will just come in crazy spurts (like the sudden desire to rearrange half the furniture in your house) and then you'll be exhausted again and need a 12-hour nap. ;)
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