Sarah and Susie threw Sammy and me THE BEST baby shower!!! Ever since Sarah threw Brodie's monster-themed first birthday party, I've been DYING for my OWN monster party :) This theme worked beautifully as a baby shower! The company, food, decorations, activities, and did I mention company? were PERFECT :)
Monsters overlooking the munchies!

Susie made these adorable monster sandwiches!!! How clever! Chicken salad on croissants with cherry tomato eyes! There was also ham and cheese on croissants with green olive eyes. I think I would like to eat all of my sandwiches like this from now on, I think :)
Activity #1: Thumbprint greetings! Sarah brought the plain white matting, stamp pads, and Ed Emberley's Complete Funprint Drawing Book.
She made a sample of the Bascom family out of thumbprints and left the rest for everyone else to decorate.
The finished product: Everyone made a thumbprint representation of their family, and they turned out SOOO cute! Each person included such fun details!
Activity #2: Birthday cards for Sammy! There were scrapbook supplies out along with numbered popsicle sticks. Each person was to pull out a popsicle stick and then create a birthday card for Sammy for that birthday. For instance, if you drew #4, you made a card for his 4th birthday.
There was even a super cute keepsake box to keep them in. These will be SO fun to open over the next SIX years!!!
Monster cupcakes and decorations: Sarah made chocolate cupcakes filled with ganache and topped with blue cream cheese frosting. They are quite possibly the yummiest cupcakes I've ever had!
Monster cookies!
A cute diaper cake decorated with monster eyes on top, of course!
We were blessed with so many fun, new things for Sammy from our friends :)
Ready for a little present opening!
Susie made these adorable monster favor bags! The bags were multi-colored, trimmed with feathers, and stuffed with orange cloths and monster eggs!
The monster eggs were plastic eggs filled with chocolate--BRILLIANT!

We talked about taking a picture of Susie, Sarah, and me, but we forgot :( Here is Sarah and me at least in front of our house :)
Jackson and Josh had a fun morning hanging out and then met up with the rest of the Bascom clan for lunch. They got back for the end of the shower, and then he got to play with Maddie and Brodie. We skipped naptime, but did let him have some "rest time" to watch some TV in our bed.
I found him like this when I went up to get him!
After we rested from the super fun shower, we had the pleasure of babysitting for the Bashore kids while Rachel and Jake went to the JAG Ball. Jackson was SOOO excited for Levi to sit with him and watch a show :) It was so sweet!
Two quotes from the day:
At the beginning of the shower, Hallie was one of the first guests to arrive. Jackson and Josh had just gotten home after a little hike in the woods. Jackson was telling me about it, and it went something like this, "I want to go back on a special trip and look for an owl, and a fox, and a frog, and Miss Hallie is here!"
Sarah gave Jackson a Big Brother present at the end of the shower, and his monologue went like this, "Spiderman, Spiderman, TREATS!" (There was a Spiderman coloring book and story book and then some fun cotton candy treats.)
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