My life is already full of cars, trucks, dinosaurs, and even more cars, but it REALLY hit me the other night as I was folding Jackson's new outer space bed sheets, that we are about to embark on life with TWO little boys! And, I could NOT be happier :) :) :)
I am quite behind on my posting--not for lack of desire! Whenever I sit down with the intention to blog and update pictures, I just want to veg! I'm tired, but not sleepy tired--does that make sense? It might be due to the fact that sleeping is pretty uncomfortable. I'm doing my best to get enough rest, but sometimes it's the kind with my eyes still open. I've been staying up pretty late because once I do go to bed, I don't have as many hours to wake up frustrated because I need to change positions AGAIN! If I go to bed at 10, I am already really annoyed by 12:30 that I can't get/stay comfortable. LOL So, the recliner, DVR and I have been getting pretty cozy in the evenings.

Last week we were 36 weeks pregnant. Sammy was about the size of a crenshaw melon (about six pounds and more than 18 1/2 inches long)! He was also VERY busy building up the products of the meconium that will make up his first dirty diaper (he shed and swallowed most of the downy covering that covered his body as well as the waxy vernix caseosa that covered him for the last nine months).
As I type this, we are 37 weeks and 4 days :) Sammy is about the same length as a stalk of swiss chard (a bit over 19 inches long) and weighs about 6 1/3 pounds. If he was born now, his lungs would most likely be developed enough to not need much special attention.
I have covered the sleep issue, but other than that I just miss bending over all the way! The standard conversation starter from other people tends to be, "How do you feel? Done, I bet." That is totally not true! This pregnancy hasn't been quite as peachy as my first, mostly because Jackson has entered some challenging stages that I didn't account for. Overall, however, I have really enjoyed being pregnant and am just a little sad already that this will be the last time I am! So, as excited as I am to meet this little guy, I am trying not to wish away the next week and a half. I am finally starting to feel better after two and a half weeks and three different antibiotics :/
Our Baby is a What?!
We Made It!
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