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We embarked on year two of our annual Fall tradition of visiting Cox Farms for their Fall Festival! We looked up lots of farms last year and settled on Cox. It was SO much fun, and we knew we would go back. We are at the end of our most recent heat wave, and while this morning was still toasty and sunny, it was still a nice day. It was so fun to do everything we did last year with Jackson being (almost) a whole year older! He spied the goats from the parking lot, and he was super excited to visit with them! He was pretty gung-ho about following them around and petting them right away. Then, he seemed to re-think that decision and asked to be carried for the rest of our visit to Goat Village. We saw lots of farm animals: pigs, cows, turkeys, hens, rabbits, chicks, horses, and and ducks. Jackson loved checking them out and making "their noises" to them :)
Jackson LOVED the slides even more than last year! He had huge smiles on his face while we went down, and asked to go again each time!
The corn maze (The Corn-undrum) was fun to walk through again this year. We thought Jackson would have fun running through it, but he just wanted us to carry him. I tried to focus on how nice it was that he wanted to be carried even if he was getting heavy... He didn't have much interest in the cute props throughout the maze, but overall he seemed to like it!
Again this year there were samples of apple cider and apples. Jackson loved the apple cider, and the apples were a perfect snack! I haven't given him a whole apple in a while, but he got some great bites out of his little apple!
Our house is ready for Fall, officially, since we have our two little pumpkins that came with our admission fee, and then our larger pumpkin we bought at Cox ready for carving in a few weeks! We also bought some apple butter that we can't wait to taste!
I began writing this blog because I wanted to track Josh's and my adventure into parenthood. We are thoroughly enjoying every day with Jackson Albert. We are SOOO looking forward to welcoming a baby brother for Jackson at the beginning of June! We welcome our friends to read along :) My blog has changed a little as I have found myself enjoying using my blog to share parenting tips and tricks, book recommendations, recipes, and other great ideas! Happy reading and feel free to comment early and often :)
It looks like you guys had a great time, expecially Momo! xo mimi
Looks like fun! Glad the goat didn't eat Momo! ;)
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