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Jackson had his first jumping in leaves experience on Sunday! We took Pax for a walk, and then Josh decided to rake up the leaves from the front yard. We just laughed because at our old house in Illinois, we had to plan a whole weekend (or two) to rake up ALL the leaves! We had HUGE trees with tons of leaves that never fell all at once. It was quite the undertaking. While we would love a larger yard one day, it was kind of nice to just decide spur of the moment to rake and be done half an hour later! Jackson had a great time watching, picking up leaves, jumping in the piles, and helping Josh cart away the leaves :)
I began writing this blog because I wanted to track Josh's and my adventure into parenthood. We are thoroughly enjoying every day with Jackson Albert. We are SOOO looking forward to welcoming a baby brother for Jackson at the beginning of June! We welcome our friends to read along :) My blog has changed a little as I have found myself enjoying using my blog to share parenting tips and tricks, book recommendations, recipes, and other great ideas! Happy reading and feel free to comment early and often :)
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