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Jackson meets TC: October 21, 2008 (Twelve days old)
Jackson and TC: November 1, 2010 (Two years old)
Jackson meets Pumpkin Bear: October 13, 2008 (Four days old)
Jackson and Pumpkin Bear: November 1, 2009 (One year old)
Jackson and Pumpkin Bear: November 1, 2010: Two years old
And, just for some more fun, here's a recap of our brief, but much-looked-forward to visit with Uncle Larry! On Monday, we went to Arlington National Cemetery to watch The Changing of the Guard Ceremony. It was Jackson's first time, but he did more climbing of some stairs off to the side... He did an excellent job walking! He walked all the way from The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to The Kennedy Grave Site! I was impressed--seems like a long ways for his short little legs! After that bit of tourism, we dropped off Josh at Union Station. He was on his way to Philadelphia and came back Thursday nightt. On Tuesday, Uncle Larry took Jackson to Target to pick out his birthday present! Jackson came home with the Fisher Price Stop 'n Surprise School Bus, and he played with it all afternoon :) This lucky boy is going to think his birthday always lasts all month since he's had visitors belatedly celebrating with him! Then we went for lunch at Firehouse Subs before dropping Uncle Larry at the train to head to the airport. We were sad to see him go, but super excited for our next visit for Christmas!!!
I began writing this blog because I wanted to track Josh's and my adventure into parenthood. We are thoroughly enjoying every day with Jackson Albert. We are SOOO looking forward to welcoming a baby brother for Jackson at the beginning of June! We welcome our friends to read along :) My blog has changed a little as I have found myself enjoying using my blog to share parenting tips and tricks, book recommendations, recipes, and other great ideas! Happy reading and feel free to comment early and often :)
1 comment:
What, no Omie or Clownie? xo mimi
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