I was quite proud of myself for the strategy I used to cut Jackson's hair last night. I brought his booster seat down to the family room and sat him in it in front of "Max and Ruby." I also brought down a stash of honey wheat pretzels. As long as he was noshing on a pretzel, he didn't seem to mind so much! Phew! The buzzing of the clippers got a little loud towards the end, and that seemed to bother him. Otherwise it was quite a success!
Jackson loves giving hugs and kisses! He especially loves giving them to James. James is not such a willing participant. He puts up with it for a bit, but then he turns to Jackson like, "Dude! Seriously! Enough!" Hmmm... What if Jackson ends up liking James more than James likes Jackson??? These are the things I spend time worrying about...
Two random cutes:
Jackson likes to pretend pump lotion onto his hand while he's sitting on his changing table. Then he rubs his hands together like I do after lotioning him up after his bath :)
This afternoon I was holding Jackson while taking a sip from my water bottle. He reached for a sip, so I shared. Then he had another sip, then me, then him, etc. He seemed to think it was a very fun sharing game :)
What is Lily watching?
5 hours ago
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