5:40am: Finish snuggling with Mommy and head downstairs.
6:00am: Eat one slice of banana and no toast :(
7:00-8:00am: Alternate between happily playing and whining at Mommy while she makes a double batch of applesauce pancakes!
8:00-9:00am: Bath time and then play in crib while Mommy takes a shower. Cry for a little bit while Mommy vacuums the stairs...
9:00am: Hork down THREE applesauce pancakes and some yogurt melts for a late breakfast! Score!
9:30am: Sob hysterically when Dutchess gets dropped off :( A very sad story!
10:00-11:30am: Go to Old Navy and Target with Mommy.
11:45am: Make friends with Dutchess while eating lunch. She liked having a peach held over her head, but not fed to her, and then getting to lick fingers!
12:30-1:30pm: VERY short nap! Wake up quite cranky :(
1:30-2:30pm: Take doggies for a walk. Enjoy fresh air!
2:30-4:00pm: Play happily with puppies and toys!
4:00pm: Mommy packs up and loads the car in hopes that the Bug will fall asleep on the way to dinner and he can keep sleeping with the extra time.
4:15pm: Mommy's plan is obviously shot down as the Bug is quite chatty on the way to the restaurant! But he waits patiently in the car playing with toys.
5:15-6:30pm: Dinner with friends. Eat pretty much only blueberries and yogurt for dinner!
6:31pm: Fall asleep in car.
7:00pm: Arrive home, get ready for bed, pass out in crib.
Ah...the life of an almost 16 month old!
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