Saturday was Daddy and Jackson day because I had the last of my tests to take in order to finally get my Virginia teaching license! I knew that I would be gone most of the day because I had two testing sessions--one starting at 8am and the other starting at 1pm. I assumed that each session was two hours since that's how pretty much every test I have taken has gone. Each one was FOUR hours! Luckily, we were allowed to leave as we finished so I still had a break between. That was not a fun surprise! That was the longest I had been away from Jackson, but it seems like he and Josh had a fun day :)
On Sunday Auntie Em and Uncle Josh come over to go out to lunch and play. We had a really good time visiting with them and wedding planning!!! On a related note, we booked our flights and hotel rooms for their wedding in New Orleans in May! We are really excited!
This picture shows Jackson's new love of bringing a toy over and then climbing into my lap to play with it! Sometimes he brings over more than one toy or a book, but it's so fun! He is still really great at playing by himself, but it's super cute when he makes it clear that he wants us to play WITH him!
I feel like we are making progress on our sleep training. Putting Jackson to bed earlier has definitely made a difference. While he still wakes up at 5 or 5:30 pretty consistently, at least we know he's getting more like 11 hours of sleep instead of 9.5 or 10. I am leaving him in his crib until at least 6. There have been two mornings recently when he has skipped the first wake-up and just cried at 6! YAY! Progress! I also think the middle of the night wakings are getting better, but those are more sporadic. We still have a mix. I am glad to see that the theory of earlier to bed=longer and better sleep is still true even though Jackson is a bit older. I don't know if we will be able to change his wake-up time (maybe once we are down to one nap?), but at least I feel like I have a way to help him if I know he's not getting enough sleep. We also know it's the right choice because he doesn't even fight it a little when we put him down early. Poor little guy :(
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