Jackson has been a fruit-ivore for quite some time. We have talked to the doctor about his slight pickiness and she isn't worried at all. She said that at this point veggies and fruit offer him the same nutrients, so we shouldn't stress about that. That being said, it would still be nice to know he was getting some good protein and veggie exposure. Yogurt has more protein than one would guess so that's good. To solve the veggie "problem" I discovered the appeal of squeeze pouches! I was wondering if Jackson could handle the squeezable yogurt, and at the same time came across the squeezable apple-carrot sauce at Trader Joe's. Jackson LOVED that stuff and ate it up! He would get so excited when I pulled one out of the pantry for snacktime! So, I saw Plum Organics at BuyBuyBaby and thought I would try out a couple of their squeezable fruit/veggie combos. I took two of them to Evanston with us, and Jackson LOVED them! I immediately found the closest BuyBuyBaby and bought a bunch more! There was one day when I was getting Jackson's dinner together in the afternoon and he saw me pull a half eaten pea, spinach, and pear pouch from the fridge. I really wanted to save it for dinner, but he got so sad that he couldn't have it for a snack that I had to give in! My kid was crying for spinach and peas!!! How can I deny him that?
The pouches are marketed as an alternative to the traditional jar and tub packaging for baby food. That's another perk, but I love them because they come with a twist off plastic top and toddlers can suck the yummy food out of a plastic straw-like thing. The top also screws back on in case it doesn't get eaten in one sitting.
So, a HUGE THANK YOU to Plum Organics for packaging their fruit/veggie purees in such an appealing manner :)

Gabriel has been addicted to those things (I only buy the ones with both fruit AND veggies) for months. MONTHS!!! Some days he'll finish one and then ask for another.
I tasted the pea, spinach & pear choice when you visited & it was truly yummy! xo mimi
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