What a fun day we ended up having! Originally, we didn't have any plans with friends after Thursday, but we ended up with quite a full day today :) We were so excited to meet the Dunnebacks at the Lincoln Park Zoo since they ended up being in town after moving to Bloomington, IL a few weeks ago. Jackson had a great time seeing some animals we don't have at the National Zoo. I can't remember the last time I was at the Lincoln Park Zoo, but I was really impressed with the exhibits, and the Zoological Park in general. It is so fun to have the zoo right in the middle of the city! It was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed catching up with Kate, Brian, Connor, and Kyle :)

Jackson enjoyed a nap in the car on the way home (after almost falling asleep on my shoulder as I carried him to the car! He has never done that! While it was sweet, I was wishing we could have a sweet moment when I wasn't hustling to get him to the car!) and then we took Pax for a walk. Cassie and Jonah drove down from Kenosha to hang out for the rest of the afternoon. Jackson and Jonah are almost exactly a month apart and they had such a good time playing "with" each other. That description is a bit of a stretch, but they did a good job playing with the same toys and being sweet boys! We took Jonah down the street to play at Timber Ridge playground.
Once everyone was sufficiently hot and tired, we headed back to Mimi and Bampa's house for some take-out Chipotle and some more playing. Jackson went to bed early and he and Jonah were super cute hugging good-night! We didn't catch the original cuteness, but here are some secondary shots! Jonah was a little preoccupied with the construction trucks on Jackson's pj bottoms!

It was SOOO good to catch up with Cassie and to snuggle Jonah--we definitely miss them and don't get enough of these opportunities!
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