I came across Poke-A-Dot: Old MacDonald's Farm in November when I was looking for a book to give as a Big Sister present. The book I had in mind wasn't available, but once I started browsing at the bookstore, I saw this and knew it would be a hit (well, I was hoping...turns out I was proven right--THREE times!). I have given this book as two Big Sister presents and to Jackson as a new fun thing for traveling. I used the Old MacDonald one on our trip to Evanston at the holidays, and I am planning to use Poke-A-Dot: 10 Little Monkeys on our plane ride next week.
Both of my mom friends said their girls LOVED the bubble popping and didn't put the book down! This definitely was the toy that kept Jackson entertained for the longest chunk of time in the car. We have also taken it into restaurants, and it has worked well there too! Due to its great success, I am linking this post up to both Things I Love Thursday and Kid Konnection :)
For more Things I Love Thursday, visit The Diaper Diaries. For more great kid books, visit Kid Konnection on Saturday at Booking Mama!

P.S. I'm not thrilled with my formatting lately, and I am trying to figure it out. Just try to look past that :)
The book looks adorable but I love that it kept the kids entertained. That says more than anything we "think" about a book!
My boys would have loved these (my 5-year-old would probably like it now). I'll have to get one of these for my nephew when he gets a little older.
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