We enjoyed hanging out in the morning while we waited for our last pediatrician visit, a chat with the lactation consultant, and Graham's second hearing screening. He continued to be quite the snuggle bug :)

I purposely packed Josh's Big Herm's t-shirt as a little taste from "home." We LOVE this picture of Graham snuggled up against it! Hopefully he will like hot dogs better than his big brother...

Graham was not jaundice, but we did try to sit with him in the sunlight when we could. He is clearly comfy here, all stretched out!
Yay for regular clothes!!! I wonder if he felt as refreshed as I did when I got to get out of the hospital garb and into my own clothes ;) We got to talk to the awesome lactation consultant who was made for this job! She liked that I had used her suggestion of putting an extra pillow under the Boppy to make it higher so Graham was positioned properly to nurse more comfortably. I think that made her want to give me more advice since I listened the first time :) We told her the pediatrician wanted us to supplement with formula, but when we tried, Graham would spit it up shortly after. She agreed with us that it probably wasn't necessary, and since we did try his recommendation, we could just go along with what we thought was best. She gave us the confidence to just follow our gut and Graham would be just fine! When we were in the hospital after having Jackson the lactation consultant we saw definitely did not leave us feeling full of confidence... Josh went with Graham for his second hearing screening, and they were gone FOREVER! I was so nervous, and it turns out he did not pass :( He DID pass on the ear he failed the first time, but then he failed on the one he passed the first time. UGH! Josh said the tech was really good and took the time to keep trying, but the program only lets the test go on for so long. All we needed to do at this point was come in to be retested once he was two weeks old. She said there is a lot of fluid that builds up in c-section babies, and he would most likely pass then. Fingers crossed!
This was the view from our window while in the hospital. It was like our own little castle!
We got home during Jackson's nap, and I felt really unsettled :( I didn't quite know what to do with myself, I was a bit weepy, and I got a migraine pretty much as soon as we got home :( I don't get the pain of migraine headaches very often, but I always get the flashing light aura. That was super annoying because it keeps me from seeing clearly which made it difficult for me to locate where I had put various things for Graham and me around the house. Mimi was happy to hold Graham while I tried to refresh myself with a shower in MY OWN SHOWER!!! I'm pretty sure I missed our shower more than our bed...
Jackson gave Graham some of a bottle while I was in the shower! SOOO cute!
The Bashores were our first visitors once we got home! They dropped off cookies in the afternoon which helped me feel better immensely, and then came to snuggle with Graham after dinner! It was not that long ago that we all moved into our new houses and Rachel was pregnant with Baby Levi! He will turn ONE at the end of August! Craziness!
All swaddled up for his first night at home!
Graham did pretty well for his first night at home. Thankfully, Mom was here to help with Jackson! It was wonderful for Josh and me to just concentrate on Graham. He ended up sleeping in our bed between feedings since that's where he was happiest. We are going to try setting up the Pack-n-Play in our room near the bed for night number two and see how that goes. Jackson fell out of bed in the middle of the night, and I could hear him calling for me even though he had Mimi. Luckily, I was up already with Graham so I went in to hug and kiss him. He went right back to sleep, thankfully. That is really hard--not being able to go up and tuck Jackson in whenever he wants. That is the only downfall to a two-story house after a C-section!
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