I was so nervous the other night because bath time was horribly traumatizing for our little bug! It was definitely at the end of a day where he didn't feel himself. He usually LOVES bath time! My mom earned her Mimi of the Year award by getting in and sitting with her pants rolled up to keep him company. (Yes, my parents' tub is installed at an angle and there are little "seats" on each side. It's weird. It's also hard to reach all areas of the tub to rinse a wriggly baby!)Last night started out traumatically, but Josh was great at getting Jackson situated and then he discovered that his favorite floating turtle car was here along with his new tub toy from his birthday from the Huks! He had a grand ole time :)
These pictures are from after his bath. He loves reading a book while I get him dressed/change his diaper. It's so funny! Sometimes he reads out loud so I get to hear the story!
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