There is a little backstory to the fact that we went to the Shedd Aquarium yesterday. Rewind about a little over a month ago to Jackson's birthday. I had checked the Chicago museum websites in search of free days. I was SURE that Friday, October 9th was included at the Shedd. Josh, Mimi and I had a fun day planned for J-Man's birthday. I double checked before we left, and I had read the site wrong or remembered the info wrong. Point being, that day was NOT a free day :( I was unbelievable upset! Josh didn't know what to do with me. I was well aware of the fact that Jackson really couldn't have cared less. He was super happy playing with his new toys. I felt like I had let him down by not having a more fun birthday planned. I did get over my over-emotional-ness eventually.
But, I still wanted to go to the Shedd! I had never gotten Josh there when we actually lived in Illinois, and it's one of my favorites. So, I checked the websites again before THIS trip and yesterday was a free day. I e-mailed Larry and Josh as I had the site open so I couldn't screw up the dates! Off we went yesterday and we had a great time! (Once I got over the last minute fear that I had screwed up AGAIN, but didn't realize it until we were all the way downtown.) Jackson LOVED looking at all of the fish. I think the big tank in the middle was his favorite since they were at his eye level. When we first arrived, there was a diver in the big aquarium feeding the fishies. That was really fun to watch. I think everyone really enjoyed our little field trip :)
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