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I have been contemplating getting a new double stroller to use when I have an additional little person aside from Jackson. The one I was using has been great, but it's heavy on its own and the boys are getting heavier, making for quite an unwieldy load! I was never crazy about the fact that it only had three-point harnesses in the seats either. I tried out Katherine's stroller when we were at the mall the other day, and LOVED it! It's a Graco Quattro Tour Duo. It's a relative of the one I was using (an older Graco DuoGlider), but is so much nicer! Not only does each seat seem more comfy and offer more room, but it also seems like it would be a good running stroller without being a true jogging stroller! Bonus points :) I was just about ready to propose my reasoning to Josh about buying a brand new stroller when I thought to look on Craigslist to see if there were any there. This is a newer stroller, and I didn't think there'd be many for sale. I was pleasantly surprised to find two! A family in Spingfield was selling theirs and we picked it up today! I LOVE it and Jackson seems to be on board as well :)
After trying out our new stroller on some errands and an afternoon walk, it receives two thumbs up! The cup holders are large enough to accommodate all of Jackson's sippy cups (yay!). I can have a drink in the cup holder without giving up looking at the rider in the back seat. The canopy on the front seat isn't as bulky so I can probably leave it on all the time (instead of keeping it in the closet and then not having it when it is actually raining!). There are five-point harnesses on both seats. The handles offer two different points to hold on to, so it's comfy for however you want to push. The whole thing just seems to glide along which I LOVE!
Jackson can even climb into the front seat all by himself! ***Sigh*** He's getting so big!
I had a double stroller when my first two were little, just 13 months apart. It was a life saver! My girlfriend and I used to go walking when our kids were little and it sure gives you a workout on the hills! Congrats on the find!
I began writing this blog because I wanted to track Josh's and my adventure into parenthood. We are thoroughly enjoying every day with Jackson Albert. We are SOOO looking forward to welcoming a baby brother for Jackson at the beginning of June! We welcome our friends to read along :) My blog has changed a little as I have found myself enjoying using my blog to share parenting tips and tricks, book recommendations, recipes, and other great ideas! Happy reading and feel free to comment early and often :)
What a great stroller! 5 years ago I bought the Jeep Cherokee double stroller and it was so heavy and big, I wish I had this one back then.
Good shopping, sweetie! I still don't know how you do it, but I'm glad this will make things a little easier (cup holders a major bonus!). xo mimi
I had a double stroller when my first two were little, just 13 months apart. It was a life saver! My girlfriend and I used to go walking when our kids were little and it sure gives you a workout on the hills! Congrats on the find!
Awesome score! I love our double except it being so cumbersome. But the Quattro Tour seems supre nice.
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