Thursday was a nice laid back day. I started the day out with a run and after breakfast, Jackson and I took Pax for a nice, long walk. It was SO much nicer out today! While that all was lovely, the time between about 10:30-2:00 was a bit rough :( Jackson got tired super early so we bypassed lunch (since the act of sitting to eat lunch was apparently devastating...), and laid Jackson down really early at 11:30. He went right down, but only slept for an hour! He seemed pretty upset to be awake, actually. But for some reason or another, he couldn't get back to sleep. We took Pax for another walk and that at least was a nice calm activity! I had planned to take Jackson to Nan's pool for a little swim and then we were bringing Nan back to Mimi and Bampa's house for dinner. I decided to still go with that plan, and Mom and Josh went on with their plan to go play par three golf. I am so glad I took Jackson to the pool! He had the best time! He was so excited to sit on the edge of the pool and "jump" into my arms! He even liked going under water and even asked for that again and again! I was especially pleased when I told him we would do five more jumps before leaving. I counted very clearly after each jump and after the last one I told him we were all done and we were going to get ready to go. He walked right up the stairs and let me get him dried off and dressed without any sort of fight! Go Jax!
Jackson seemed quite pleased to have Nan at "his" house to play with! He gave her plenty of kisses and hugs, which was fine with her!
She even helped Jackson eat his dinner--phew!
Another possible struggle avoided! After dinner, Jackson put some of his trucks in his wagon and pulled them around. Then, he remembered he could sit in the wagon! Of course, Nan was a willing participant to pull Jackson in his wagon! He LOVED this! He loved it even more when he put all of his trucks in the wagon WITH him!
Dad was the last one to get home and Jackson exclaimed, "Bampa!" as soon as Dad walked in! It was really cute, but got even cuter when Jackson walked into the kitchen with a piece of popcorn and handed it to Bampa! It was so adorable! I love that he is thinking of sharing on his own :) Of course Jackson figured out how much attention this little trick got him, so he kept offering chips and popcorn to us all! It definitely did not get old :) Pax made out pretty well too!

My three boys!
Passing out popcorn.
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