Last year at Roycemore's School auction we won a week on Hilton Head Island! The timeshare we were using was Friday to Friday, but we planned to split the drive down and back by staying with the Yanceys in Fayetteville. Fayetteville was conveniently half way, and Susie, Joe, and Rachel were joining us for part of the time, so it was the perfect plan, right? Not quite :( We planned to leave here after dinner on Thursday night and get into Fayetteville late. On Friday morning, we would all leave together for Hilton Head. Susie's parents were staying with them for the beginning of the week, but their plan was to leave Thursday morning, leaving the guest suite available for us Thursday night. Susie's mom came down with a yucky stomach bug during their visit and was not ready to leave by Thursday morning. Obviously, this was not something they planned or wanted to happen, and we totally understood! At the same time, we really had become attached to the idea of splitting the drive. We decided to continue with the plan to leave Thursday night and got a motel room at The Knights Inn in Lumberton, NC. Our room was $38, including tax... It was just the perfect place to satisfy our need that night! Jackson and I hung out in the lobby/office in the morning giving Josh a little extra time to sleep. This was also the first time I really let Jackson wander around on his own outside. He loved walking up and down the sidewalks, making friends with people :)
He did great in the car and took a nice long nap on the way to Hilton Head. We made really good time and thought we would stop for lunch before finding the resort. We were looking for some place with tvs so Josh could start in on March Madness :) We were driving down a pretty main strip, but it was so hard to find some place! Part of the beauty of the area is how well everything blends together. Unfortunately this also means that there are not many big signs announcing stores and restaurants. The trees and flowers were all beautiful, but the strip malls were set back so far that we couldn't see what was in them as we drove past! We finally found a sports bar that was just perfect. I guess it was worth the wait!
Jackson continued to be a champion traveler and fell asleep again in the car as we drove to the resort, checked in, and unloaded the car! I wasn't sure how napping would go with the day of traveling, but he did awesome! The Yanceys arrived just in time for dinner (pizza). The guys settled in for basketball and Susie and I headed to the grocery store for provisions for the week!
What is Lily watching?
1 day ago
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