So what if Spring Break Part 2 is being published before Spring Break Part 1? I am so behind on blogging, that I figured I might start from the most recent!
Mimi and Grandpa arrived for a nice, long weekend visit last Thursday. Jackson and I picked them up at the airport and met Josh for lunch near his office. He went back to work after lunch, but Jackson and I gave the grand walking tour of Crystal City :) We had Bertucci's for dinner, followed by homemade key lime pie at home for dessert! All of it was super yummy!
Grandpa and Daddy went golfing on Friday, so Jackson was "stuck" shopping with Mimi and Mommy. He didn't fare too badly... We had lunch at Panera (of course), picked out some pretty flowers at Lowe's to plant later in the weekend, and had a fun shopping trip at Kohl's. The sad part of the day was when Jackson was sort of whimpering in the cart and wanting to be held. I just had a sneaking suspicion that his sandals were too tight. Sure enough, you could almost hear the sigh of relief from his little tootsies when I took them off! Phew! The boys got back late from golfing, but they brought Chipotle with them!
On Saturday we putzed around the house. Josh got some yard work accomplished and Jackson showed off his many tricks to Mimi and Grandpa :) Saturday afternoon we headed to the Steven Udvar-Hazy Center near Dulles Airport. It is connected to the more well known Air and Space Smithsonian Museum on the National Mall. None of us had been there before and it was SO cool! There were tons of aircrafts of all different varieties. Jackson LOVED looking at the planes and space shuttles. He had just started to notice planes flying overhead the day before, so the timing could not have been more perfect! From the museum we went to Jackson's Mighty Fine Food and Lucky Lounge. It is part of The Great American Restaurant chain in Northern Virginia. We have been to quite a few now, and they have all been quite yummy! We met Auntie Em and Uncle Josh for dinner, and it was so good to see them! I get to see Em at her bridal shower in a couple of weeks, but then that's probably it until their wedding at the beginning of May! We are so excited!!!
Sunday was Easter! Jackson picked up on the whole egg hunt thing SUPER fast! He has such a good time "searching" for his eggs! He was really excited when he found out they were filled with Kix, yogurt melts, and Goldfish! The next morning he started walking around the yard looking for more eggs! Quick learner ;) After our Easter festivities, it was another golf outing for Grandpa and Daddy. Mimi and Mommy took Jackson to lunch again at Panera and then to Babies R Us and Barnes and Noble. Mimi was nice enough to plant our new flowers while Mommy sat back and watched :) We made Easter/Passover dinner to eat when the guys got home: apricot glazed pork tenderloin, noodle kugel, salad, and cinnamon jello! It was all SOOO yummy! My mom and I escaped (I mean got to go) to a movie Easter night. We saw "The Last Song," and it was really good. A great chick flick!
Monday was our last day with Mimi and Grandpa :( We went to storytime at Borders and colored in a picture of a butterfly. Then we headed to lunch before having a nap. After dropping Mimi and Grandpa at the airport, Jackson and I enjoyed the afternoon walking outside and doing a little shopping. We had such a good time with our visitors, AND we get to see them again in a few weeks! Jackson and I have a long weekend planned at the end of April to Evanston :D
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