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We were ready for celebrate Father's Day as soon as Josh woke up! There were presents, coffee, and his favorite breakfast burritos from Anita's!
Jackson did a good job throwing away all of the wrapping paper! He decided to help Josh open his last present: a new Cubs shirt! That was from me. Jackson gave Josh "Fred and Ted Go Camping." Paxton gave Josh a Big Herm's gift card (THE most amazing hot dog place EVER!). My parents gave Josh a super sweet book called "My Father Knows the Names of Things." I also made Josh's favorite oatmeal chocolate-chip cookies the other day as an early present :)
You can't really see it, but Jackson's outfit said Dad's Silly Monkey! That seems very fitting these days... ;)
We bought Jackson a bubble mower, and we broke it in yesterday :)
After naptime for Jackson, we headed over to the pool. It was SO hot, and the pool felt wonderful! Josh and I had a great time relaxing in the cool water, but Jackson was pretty fussy the whole time :( We aren't really sure why--he has seemed on the tired side in general lately...
After the pool, Jackson had dinner and a bath. He and Josh were really enjoying Josh's new book, but then I couldn't resist going to get the camera and screwed up the sweet pose! Shoot! Use your imagination :) On the other hand, Josh was proud because the distraction getting Jackson's attention was golf... ;)
Once Jackson was in bed, I made a special Father's Day dinner for Josh: The Pioneer Woman's Chicken Parmigiana! I have been wanting to make this for a while, and I finally had a good opportunity! It was pretty easy, it just took longer than I had expected. It was really yummy! The final event of the evening was Blizzards for dessert :) Josh's relaxation continues today with golf and grilled steaks and corn on the cob for dinner!
What a great Father's Day!! The chicken looked great! I should've warned you that it takes longer than you'd expect. I was so annoyed by that fact when I made it! I completely forgot about it though, bc I remembered how delicious it is! :)
I began writing this blog because I wanted to track Josh's and my adventure into parenthood. We are thoroughly enjoying every day with Jackson Albert. We are SOOO looking forward to welcoming a baby brother for Jackson at the beginning of June! We welcome our friends to read along :) My blog has changed a little as I have found myself enjoying using my blog to share parenting tips and tricks, book recommendations, recipes, and other great ideas! Happy reading and feel free to comment early and often :)
What a great Father's Day!! The chicken looked great! I should've warned you that it takes longer than you'd expect. I was so annoyed by that fact when I made it! I completely forgot about it though, bc I remembered how delicious it is! :)
Thanks for the tip - I luuuurve chicken parm and went to the site to print out the recipe! Yum!!!
Too bad the lawn boy's mower broke; it still makes for a cute action shot! The pool looked so refreshing & the chicken parm looked awesome! xo mim
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